Research in Computing Science, Vol. 65, pp. 103-110, 2013.
Abstract: At “Universidad de la Sierra”, projects of the end of a course are conducted. These projects are requested to have the structure of a research paper. In order to improve the quality of the assignment and guide the students in developing such work, an intelligent tutoring system was used. In this paper, we show a web-based intelligent tutoring system (ITS) to provide student advice in structuring research projects. We propose a student model based on a network to follow the progress of each student in the development of the project and personalized feedback on each assessment. This tutor includes a module for assessing the lexical richness, which is done in terms of lexical density, lexical variety, and sophistication. We present the empirical evaluation results indicate that students found this tool useful and improve their writing.
Keywords: E-learning, natural language processing, intelligent tutoring system, lexical richness.
PDF: Results of a Case Study of an Intelligent Tutoring System for Analyzing of Student Projects Presented as Research Papers
PDF: Results of a Case Study of an Intelligent Tutoring System for Analyzing of Student Projects Presented as Research Papers